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1 Traverse Du Cheval Blanc, St Remy de Provence, 13210 France
Soybeans and soymeal had an exciting week this week with both moving lower. Soybeans dropped by USD 8 to 10 m/t while soymeal was closer to USD 11 m/t lower. Market reports say that anticipation of wheat next week's USDA WASDE report has to say caused the weakness. There were some private estimates of soybean production in Brazil and Argentina that suggested that production will not be dropping at all.
Trade report also say that the soybean harvest in Brazil is moving along very quickly with little or nothing seen in rain delays. Of course in Brazil there is always the possibility of trucking delays and then there is the load ports and their history of delays.
While the soybean harvest in Brazil is racing along there are reports that the corn harvest in both Argentina and Brazil could see some rain delays – but this didn't seem to get the corn market excited at all.
Overall, the corn market was not exciting for the week except perhaps on Wednesday when the USDA cattle on feed report got corn buyers a little excited and then the grain crushing report showed US corn based ethanol production at near record levels.
But, the little bit of bullish news was not enough to push corn prices higher.
Looking at corn export prices, if you notice in the prices below the nearby corn prices are higher than this out a couple of months and this mainly due to the lack of loading positions in export ports. Everyone seems to be fully booked for export slots over the next few weeks. So that anyone wanting nearby shipment has to pay a significant price premium to get any grain.
And a quick mention of winter wheat prices in the US that are higher on the week due to strong export demand and a weaker US dollar. The US Wheat report this week says that the amount of time it takes to get wheat to export ports has increased from 15 to 30 days due to internal US transportation logistic. The extra days certainly add to the export prices.
Estimated Bulk Grain Freight in USD per m/t, basis heavy grains
US Gulf to Europe: 60/70,000 (10,000 disch) | $14.50/15.00 | Down $0.50 | X |
US Gulf to Spain: 30,000 m/t (5,000 disch) | $24/25.00 | Steady | x |
US Gulf Israel: 50,000 MT | $23/24.00 | Steady | x |
US Gulf to Egypt: Panamax(6,000 disch) | $22/23.00 | Steady | x |
US Gulf Turkey: 50,000 | $24/25.00 | Steady | x |
US Gulf Morocco: 30,000(5,000 disch) | $22/23.00 | Steady | x |
US Gulf Algeria/Tunisia: 30,000 (3,000 disch) | $24/25.00 | Steady | x |
US Gulf Nigeria: 30,000 m/t | $52/53.00 | Steady | x |
US Gulf other Med: 30,000 MT(5,000 disch) | $27/28.00 | Up $1.00 | x |
US Gulf Japan: Panamax | $35/36.00 | Steady | x |
US Gulf China: Panamax | $33/34.00 | Steady | x |
US PNW South Africa – 40,000 m/t | $37/38.00 | Steady | x |
US PNW Japan: Panamax | $18/19.00 | Steady | X |
US PNW China: Panamax | $17/18.00 | Steady | x |
US East Coast Egypt: Panamax | $45/46.00 | Steady | X |
US East Coast Nigeria: Handisize | $53/54.00 | Steady | x |
France/Germany to Algeria: 30,000 m/t(3,000 disch) | $21/22.00 | Down $1.00 | x |
France/Germany to Egypt: 50,000 m/t (10,000 disch) | $15/16.00 | Down $1.00 | x |
France/Germany to Jordan: 35/45,000 m/t (4,000 disch) | $34/35.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
France/Germany to Morocco: 30,000 m/t (3,000 disch) | $20/21.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
France/Germany to Saudi Arabia: 50/60,000 | $26/27.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
France/Germany to South Africa: 30,000 m/t | $36/37.00 | Steady | X |
France/Germany to Yemen: 30,000 m/t | $50/51.00 | Down $1.00 | x |
Argentina to Algeria: 25/30,000 m/t(3,000 disch) | $28/29.00 | Down $2.00 | X |
Argentina to China: 50,000 m/t, with top-off | $29/30.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
Argentina to Japan: 50,000 m/t, with top-off | $30/31.00 | Down $1.00 | x |
Argentina to Egypt: 50,000 m/t | $24/25.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
Argentina to Europe: 50/60,000 m/t | $22/23.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
Argentina to Morocco: 25/30,000 m/t(3,000 disch) | $25/26.00 | Down $2.00 | X |
Argentina to Saudi Arabia: 25/30,000 m/t | $44/45.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
Argentina to South Africa 25/30,000 m/t (3,000 disch) | $28/29.00 | Down $2.00 | X |
Argentina to Spain: 30,000 m/t | $24/25.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
Argentina to Tunisia: 25/30,000 m/t (3,000 disch) | $28/29.00 | Down $2.00 | X |
Brazil to Algeria/Tunisia: 25/30,000 m/t | $29/30.00 | Down $2.00 | X |
Brazil to China: 55,000 m/t | $24/25.00 | Steady | X |
Brazil to Japan: 55,000 m/t | $26/27.00 | Steady | X |
Brazil to Europe: 30,000 m/t | $29/30.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
Brazil to Morocco: 25/30,000 m/t | $26/27.00 | Down $2.00 | X |
Brazil to Saudi Arabia 30/40,000 m/t | $39/40.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
Brazil to Turkey/Egypt: 50,000 m/t | $23/24.00 | Down $1.00 | x |
Australia to China: 40-55,000 m/t – round trip | $18.00/18.50 | Steady | X |
Australia to Japan: 40-55,000 m/t – round trip | $18.50/19.00 | Steady | x |
Australia to Saudi Arabia: 40-55,000 m/t | $25/26.00 | Steady | X |
Ukraine to China: 50,000 m/t | $25/26.00 | Steady | x |
Black Sea to East Med: 30,000 m/t (3,000 disch) | $16/17.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
Ukraine to East Med: coaster (1,000 disch) | $27/28.00 | Steady | X |
Black Sea to Egypt: 40/50,000 m/t – (6,000 disch) | $17/18.00 | Steady | X |
Black Sea to Egypt: 30,000 m/t – (4,000 dich) | $18/19.00 | Steady | X |
Ukraine to Egypt: coaster 3,000 m/t (1,000 disch) | $27/28.00 | Steady | X |
Black Sea to Iraq: 50,000 m/t (4,000 disch) | $25/26.00 | Steady | x |
Black Sea to Morocco: 30,000 m/t (3,000 disch) | $20/21.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
Black Sea to Spain: 40/50,000 m/t (8,000 disch) | $13/14.00 | Steady | X |
Black Sea to Jordan: 50,000 m/t (4,000 disch) | $20/21.00 | Steady | X |
Black Sea to Saudi Arabia – Jeddah – 50k | $23/24.00 | Steady | X |
Black Sea to South Africa – 30,000 m//t | $34/35.00 | Steady | X |
Black Sea to Tunisia/Algeria: 30,000(5,000 disch) | $19/20.00 | Steady | X |
Baltic Dry Index | 752 | Down 75 | x |
Baltic Capesize Index | 981 | Down 258 | x |
Baltic Panamax Index | 922 | Down 46 | x |
Baltic Supramax Index | 667 | Down 25 | X |
Baltic Handisize Index | 382 | Down 37 | x |
FOB port or location specified. Prices in US$, in metric tons:
All shipments in bulk grain vessels unless stated otherwise
(NOLA is New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.)
ALL PRICES ARE FOR February 2017/April 2017
Wheat, USA Soft Red Winter, NOLA | USD 189>>185 | x |
Wheat, USA Hard Red Winter 12 protein | USD 213>>205 | x |
Wheat, Ukraine 11.5 pro, 30,000+ m/t | USD 180/184 | x |
Wheat, Russia 12.5 pro, 30,000+ m/t | USD 184/187 | x |
Wheat, Romania 12.5 pro | USD 186/189 | x |
Wheat, Superior, France, Rouen | USD 190/192 | x |
Wheat, milling, 12.0%, Argentina, upriver | USD 181/184 | x |
Wheat, feed, Black Sea | USD 171/175 | x |
Barley, France, Rouen port | USD 162/164 | x |
Barley, feed, Argentina | USD 155/160 | x |
Barley, feed, Black Sea, 30,000+ | USD 166/169 | x |
Barley, feed, USA Pacific Northwest | USD 190/195 | x |
Corn, FOB NOLA USA | USD 168>>164 | x |
Corn, FOB USA Pacific northwest | USD 170>>164 | x |
Corn, FOB Argentina port, upriver | USD 178>>173 | x |
Corn, FOB Brazil port | USD 183/186 | x |
Corn, FOB Black Sea, 30,000+ m/t | USD 167/174 | x |
Corn, FOB France | USD 188/190 | x |
Corn, FOB Romania | USD 174/177 | x |
Sorghum, FOB Texas | USD 166/169 | x |
Sorghum, FOB Argentina port | USD 160/163 | x |
Soymeal, 48% protein, FOB NOLA | USD 382/387 | x |
Soymeal, 48% protein, USA, Rotterdam | USD 407/411 | x |
Soymeal, Argentina, Rotterdam | USD 381/386 | x |
Soymeal, 47% pro, FOB Argentina | USD 352/357 | x |
Soymeal, 48% protein, Brazil, Rotterdam | USD 377/382 | x |
Soymeal, 48% protein, FOB Brazil | USD 342/347 | x |
Soybeans, FOB NOLA | USD 397/402 | x |
Soybeans, Argentina, FOB | USD 395/400 | x |
Soybeans, Brazil, FOB | USD 398/402 | x |
Soybeans, Black Sea | USD 397/402 | x |
Corn Gluten Meal, USA FOB NOLA | USD 610/620 m/t | x |
Corn Gluten Meal, CNF Egypt | USD 690/700 m/t | x |
Corn Gluten Feed, USA FOB NOLA | USD 145/150 m/t | x |
DDGS corn, 35 profat, USA FOB NOLA | USD 151/155 m/t | x |
It is interesting to note that the US Grains Council Market Perspectives report this week points out that DDGS export prices have rallied by close to USD 15 m/t in the last month as export buyer have been taking advantage of the China related weakness in DDGS export prices. However, with USA domestic prices for DDGS weakening we could see some of this effect flow into export prices.
The USDA price report for the week had DDGS prices steady while corn gluten feed was up by only USD 1 m/t or so and while corn gluten meal was down by about USD 6 m/t.
One small problem with exports over the next while is that the shipment positions of filled for the next few weeks and it is almost impossible to buy anything for prompt shipment -- or if it can be bought there is a significant price premium to be paid.
The USDA issued their "grain crushing" report this week and it shows that monthly DDGS production was up by 100,000 m/t in December to 2.1 million m/t with corn gluten feed up by 40,000 m/t to 349,000 m/t and monthly corn gluten meal production up by 5,000 m/t to 89,000 m/t.
Container shipments, minimum 200 m/t
Argentina Meat & Bone meal, 45/50 protein Argentina poultry meal, 57/60 protein Argentina feathermeal, 78/80 protein | USD 420/430 m/t CNF Asia USD 530/540 m/t CNF Asia USD 460/470 m/t CNF Asia |
Paraguay Meat &Bone meal, 45% protein | USD 420/430 m/t CNF Asia |
Australian MBM 45 protein Australian MBM 50 protein Australian Feathermeal, 80 protein Australian Poultry Meal, pet food | USD 460/470 m/t CNF Asia USD 510/520 m/t CNF Asia USD 530/540 m/t CNF Asia USD 770/790 m/t CNF Asia |
USA Meat & Bone meal, 50 protein USA Feathermeal, 80 protein USA Poultry Meal, feed grade USA Poultry Meal, pet food grade | USD 450/470 m/t CNF Asia USD 530/540 m/t CNF Asia USD 560/590 m/t CNF Asia USD 800/830 m/t CNF Asia |
Due to the Chinese New Year holidays this week, the animal protein export business has been quite limited with only a little business from Indonesia seen in the market. About the only price that changed this week was a reported drop in export pet food grade poultry meal but this may just be a one-week anomaly in the market prices.
In the US domestic market, many of the major animal protein people were in Atlanta for the International Poultry Products Expo which helped make the market seem quite quiet. According to the Jacobsen report there were limited trades with price ranges seeming to be very wide -- but that always happens when sales are few and there is no good market average price.
We should have a better idea on export markets for animal proteins after all the major Chinese buyers get back to work. Of course, when I say Chinese buyers I don't just mean buyers in China, as some readers of this report thought, but Chinese buyers in Asia in general.
It looks like the final number for the Northern quota will stand at about 1.957 million m/t, just a hair higher than the number reported here last week. Of course, not everyone agrees with this number and some say the total catch was closer to 1.96 mm/t – big deal, just a couple of thousand tons.
The catch in the south, against the 500,000 m/t quota, is reported to be just a shade over 28,000 m/t but there are only 40 to 50 vessels active in the south.
According to reports from Peru, they are experiencing a "costal El Nino" that has pushed water surface temperatures up by 5 or 6 C over normal sea temperatures. However, experts say that this "El Nino" should be over by April so should not affect the next fishing season.
The long New Year holiday is coming to an end in China so we may see more buyer activity in the market next week. Although, some in the trade say that there is very little physical fishmeal left to buy. MSI Ceres said this week that there may be more activity in May/June fishmeal futures.
With the strong finish to the Northern fishing the mood for the next season and for the current Southern season is very positive --- all it takes is some good fishing to make everyone very happy and very enthusiastic about the future.
European fishmeal prices – FOB North German port.
Type | Protein % | Price per m/t USD |
Herring fishmeal | 72% protein | 1,520 |
Danish fishmeal | 64% protein | 1,390 |
Peru fishmeal | 64% protein | 1,370 |
Chile fishmeal | 67% protein | 1,450 |
Iceland fishmeal | 70% protein | 1,510 |
Minimum shipment of 200 m/t for fishmeal
Specification | Price per m/t FOB vessel Peru port | Price per m/t Chile port |
65% protein | 1240/1250 m/t |
65/66 protein | 1270/1280 m/t |
67% protein standard steam | 1300/1310 m/t | 1350/1370 |
67% protein 150 TVN | 1380/1400 m/t | 1400/1440 |
67% protein 120 TVN | 1430/1450 m/t | 1450/1470 |
67% protein 1000 hist, 120 TVN | 1480/1500 m/t | 1500/1520 |
68% protein 500 hist, 120 TVN | 1530/1550 m/t | 1580/1600 |
Fish oil, crude bulk | 1550/1600 | 1500/1550 |
Fish oil, crude drums | 1650/1700 |
Fish oil, flexi tank | 1800/1850 |
Fish oil, Omega 3: 28%EPA/DHA | 2000/2300 |
INFORMATION: gtee = guarantee, TVN = total volatile nitrogen, hist = histamine
The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Nothing contained herein should be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy. All references to prices are subject to change without notice. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those of, or expressed or published by or on behalf of, Hammersmith Marketing Ltd or its officers, directors, employees or affiliates
Copyright © 2017 Wayne S. Bacon
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