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3 Avenue Marie Gasquet, St Remy de Provence, 13210 France
This week was USDA WASDE week and if you look at where prices are at the end of the week one can kind of assume that the WASDE was much of a non-event for prices. Corn, soybeans and soymeal ended the week almost unchanged with the only significant change in prices was a drop in US winter wheat by about USD 5 m/t and down a couple of dollars on US spring wheat.
Much of the US looks to be getting hotter and drier weather next week which some experts say could push prices a little higher for corn but will have little effect on soybeans. According to trade reports the "drought" situation in the US covers about 40% of the country, mainly the western side.
Soybean prices are mainly China driven and tend to move higher on export sales and lower on no reported sales. At this point in time China is still much more important than the weather, but that will change. There will come a time this spring/summer when weather will actually be more important but China is still there as a major, major factor.
Reports say that the drop in wheat prices was totally due to a little bit bearish WASDE report. Market reports at the end of the week seem to feel that wheat prices will not/may not go lower but could just stick in a trading range for a bit.
Top 20 US Export Destinations for Grains and Oilseeds –
4 months to April 2020 – in m/t
| Wheat | Corn | Sorghum | Soybeans | Soymeal |
Algeria | 65,300 |
Bangladesh |
| 527,900 |
Belgium |
| 24,400 |
Brazil | 51,500 |
Burma |
| 118,200 |
Cameroon |
Canada |
| 539,800 | 1,600 | 44,700 | 329,700 |
China |
| 1,100 | 1,368,700 | 3,245,200 |
Chile | 83,000 |
Colombia | 299,400 | 2,160,300 |
| 214,600 | 474,500 |
Costa Rica |
| 300,400 |
| 116,100 |
Cuba |
| 29,000 |
Denmark |
| 38,100 |
Djibouti |
| 10,000 |
Dominican Rep | 96,500 | 268,200 |
| 139,800 |
Ecuador | 246,300 |
| 259,100 |
El Salvador | 52,800 | 173,900 |
| 71,000 |
Egypt |
| 1,450,900 |
Eritrea |
Ethiopia | 31,000 |
France |
| 45,700 | 36,600 |
Germany |
Guatemala | 171,400 | 454,000 |
| 162,400 |
Honduras | 99,600 | 285,900 |
| 118,900 |
Indonesia | 557,200 |
| 756,400 |
Iraq |
Israel |
| 115,000 |
| 42,300 | 61,500 |
Italy | 282,000 |
| 78,100 |
Jamaica |
| 100,700 |
| 40,000 |
Japan | 893,100 | 3,951,200 | 121,800 | 1,029,700 | 50,300 |
Kenya |
Madagascar |
| 800 |
Malaysia | 125,800 |
| 255,900 |
Mexico | 1,198,200 | 4,867,500 | 255,200 | 1,557,500 | 617,100 |
Morocco |
| 8,300 |
| 157,600 |
Netherlands |
| 796,500 |
New Zealand |
Nigeria | 458,700 |
Nicaragua |
| 127,000 |
| 44,300 |
Pakistan |
| 206,700 |
Panama |
| 147,000 |
| 62,800 |
Peru | 81,800 | 14,600 |
| 90,500 | 150,300 |
Philippines | 1,099,100 |
| 660,300 |
Portugal |
| 26,500 |
Saudi Arabia |
| 345,300 |
| 65,100 |
Somalia |
| 45,500 |
South Africa |
South Korea | 473,300 | 1,135,600 | 500 | 170,700 |
Spain |
| 344,300 |
Sri Lanka |
| 71,300 |
Sudan |
Taiwan | 361,000 | 342,900 |
| 574,300 |
Thailand | 344,200 |
| 346,500 | 12,700 |
Trinidad |
| 40,000 |
Venezuela |
| 56,700 |
Vietnam | 169,100 | 190,200 |
| 285,100 | 100,800 |
Yemen | 94,000 |
Zimbabwe |
@USDA GATS June 2020
Estimated Bulk Grain Freight in USD per m/t, basis heavy grains
US Gulf to Europe: 60/70,000 (10,000 disch) | $14/15.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
US Gulf to Spain: 50,000 m/t (5,000 disch) | $14/15.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
US Gulf Israel: 50,000 m/t | $25/26.00 |
| X |
US Gulf to Egypt: Panamax (6,000 disch) | $24/25.00 |
| X |
US Gulf Turkey: 50,000 m/t | $26/27.00 |
| X |
US Gulf Morocco: 30,000(5,000 disch) | $33/34.00 |
| X |
US Gulf Algeria/Tunisia: 30,000 (3,000 disch) | $34/35.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
US Gulf Nigeria: 30,000 m/t | $58/59.00 |
| X |
US Gulf other Med: 30,000 MT(5,000 disch) | $39/40.00 |
| X |
US Gulf South Africa: 45,000 m/t | $38/39.00 |
| X |
US Gulf Japan: Panamax | $36/37.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
US Gulf China: Panamax | $35/36.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
US PNW South Africa – 40,000 m/t | $37/38.00 |
| X |
US PNW Japan: Panamax | $19/20.00 |
| X |
US PNW China: Panamax | $18/19.00 |
| X |
US East Coast Egypt: Panamax | $56/57.00 |
| X |
US East Coast Nigeria: Handisize | $58/59.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
US Lakes – Europe – 30,000 m/t | $41/42.00 |
| X |
US Lakes – Morocco – 30,000 m/t | $42/43.00 |
| X |
France/Germany to Algeria: 30,000 m/t(3,000 dis) | $20/21.00 |
| X |
France/Germany to Bangladesh: 35/45,000 m/t | $47/48.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
France/Germany to China: 50,000 m/t | $36/37.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
France/Germany to Egypt: 50,000 (10,000 dis) | $15/16.00 |
| X |
France/Germany to India: 50,000 m/t | $36/37.00 |
| X |
France/Germany to Jordan: 35/45,000 (4k dis) | $28/29.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
France/Germany to Morocco: 30,000 m/t (3k dis) | $21/22.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
France/Germany to Saudi Arabia: 50/60,000 | $34/35.00 |
| X |
France/Germany to South Africa: 30,000 m/t | $40/41.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
France/Germany to Turkey: 35,000 m/t | $21/22.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
France/Germany to Yemen: 30,000 m/t | $59/60.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
Argentina to Algeria: 25/30,000 m/t(3,000 disch) | $28/29.00 |
| X |
Argentina to China: 50,000 m/t, with top-off | $23/24.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
Argentina to Japan: 50,000 m/t, with top-off | $24/25.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
Argentina to Egypt: 50,000 m/t | $12/13.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
Argentina to Europe: 50/60,000 m/t | $9/10.00 |
| X |
Argentina to Morocco: 25/30,000 m/t(3,000 dis) | $28/29.00 |
| X |
Argentina to Jordan: 50,000 m/t | $48/49.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
Argentina to Saudi Arabia: 50,000 m/t | $41/42.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
Argentina to South Africa 50,000 m/t | $48/49.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
Argentina to Spain: 50,000 m/t | $9/10.00 |
| X |
Argentina to Tunisia: 25/30,000 m/t (3,000 disch) | $28/29.00 |
| X |
Argentina to US Gulf: 25/35,000 m/t | $34/35.00 |
| x |
Brazil to Algeria/Tunisia: 25/30,000 m/t | $32/33.00 |
| X |
Brazil to China: 55,000 m/t | $25/26.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
Brazil to Japan: 55,000 m/t | $24/25.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
Brazil to Europe: 50,000 m/t | $20/21.00 | Down $2.00 | X |
Brazil to Morocco: 25/30,000 m/t | $27/28.00 | Up $2.00 | X |
Brazil to Saudi Arabia 30/40,000 m/t | $49/50.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
Brazil to Spain: 50,000 m/t | $20/21.00 | Down $2.00 | X |
Brazil to Turkey/Egypt: 50,000 m/t | $24/25.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
Australia to China: 40-55,000 m/t – round trip | $17/18.00 | Down $2.00 | X |
Australia to Japan: 40-55,000 m/t – round trip | $23/23.50 |
| X |
Australia to Saudi Arabia: 40-55,000 m/t | $45/46.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
Ukraine to China: 50,000 m/t | $23/24.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
Ukraine to Bangladesh, 50,000 m/t | $47/48.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
Ukraine to India, 50,000 m/t | $39/40.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
Black Sea to East Med: 30,000 m/t (3,000 disch) | $14/15.00 |
| X |
Ukraine to East Med: coaster (1,000 disch) | $18/19.00 |
| X |
Ukraine to Turkey: coaster (1,000 disch) | $13/14.00 |
| X |
Russia to Turkey - Izmir: coaster (1,000 disch) - | $13/14.00 |
| X |
Black Sea to Egypt: 40/50,000 m/t – (6,000 dis) | $12/13.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
Black Sea to Egypt: 30,000 m/t – (4,000 dich) | $14/15.00 | Up $2.00 | X |
Ukraine to Egypt: coaster 3,000 m/t (1,000 disch) | $18/19.00 |
| X |
Russia to Egypt: coaster 3,000 m/t (1,000 disch) | $27/28.00 |
| X |
Black Sea to Iraq: 50,000 m/t (4,000 disch) | $35/36.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
Black Sea to Europe: 50,000 m/t | $13/14.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
Black Sea to Morocco: 30,000 m/t (3,000 disch) | $17/18.00 | Up $2.00 | X |
Black Sea to Spain: 40/50,000 m/t (8,000 disch) | $13/14.00 | Down $1.00 | X |
Black Sea to Jordan: 50,000 m/t (5,000 disch) | $20/21.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
Black Sea to Libya: 25/35,000 m/t | $25/26.00 |
Black Sea to Saudi Arabia – Jeddah – 50k | $24/25.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
Black Sea to Turkey – 30,000 m/t | $11/12.00 | Up $2.00 | X |
Black Sea to South Africa – 30,000 m//t | $48/49.00 | Up $1.00 | X |
Black Sea to Tunisia/Algeria: 30,000(5,000 disch) | $16/17.00 | Up $2.00 | X |
Baltic Dry Index – 40% Cape, 30% Panamax, 30% Supramax – no Handisize included) | 923 | Up 244 | X |
Baltic Capesize Index (100,000 plus DWT) | 1523 | Up 787 | X |
Baltic Panamax Index (60,000 to 80,000 DWT) | 852 | Up 38 | X |
Baltic Supramax Index (50,000 to 60,000 DWT) | 597 | Up 90 | X |
Baltic Handisize Index (25,000 plus DWT) | 321 | Up 27 | x |
FOB port or location specified. Prices in US$, in metric tons:
All shipments in bulk grain vessels unless stated otherwise
(NOLA is New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.)
ALL PRICES ARE FOR June 2020/August 2020
Wheat, USA Soft Red Winter, US Gulf | USD 212/215 | X |
Wheat, USA Hard Red Winter 11 protein, US Gulf | USD 211/214 | x |
Wheat, Ukraine 11.5 pro, 30,000+ m/t | USD 201/204 | X |
Wheat, Russia 12.5 pro, 30,000+ m/t | USD 207/210 | X |
Wheat, Romania 12.5 pro | USD 206/209 | X |
Wheat, Superior, France, Rouen | USD 213/215 | X |
Wheat, milling, 12.0%, Argentina, Upriver | USD 228/231 | X |
Wheat, feed, Black Sea | USD 193/196 | X |
Barley, France, Rouen port | USD 187/189 | X |
Barley, feed, Argentina, up river | USD 178/181 | X |
Barley, feed, Black Sea, 30,000+ | USD 177/180 | x |
Corn, 2YC FOB NOLA USA | USD 163/165 | X |
Corn, 3YC FOB USA Pacific northwest | USD 171/174 | X |
Corn, FOB Argentina port, upriver | USD 152/155 | X |
Corn, FOB Brazil port | USD 160/163 | X |
Corn, FOB France – Atlantic | USD 197/199 | X |
Corn, FOB Romania | USD 184/187 | X |
Corn, FOB Russia | USD 183/186 | X |
Corn, FOB Ukraine, 30,000+ m/t | USD 181/184 | X |
Sorghum, FOB Argentina port | USD 128/131 Aug | X |
Sorghum, FOB Texas | USD 217/220 | X |
Soymeal, 48% protein, FOB NOLA | USD 344/347 | X |
Soymeal, 48% protein, USA, Rotterdam | USD 369/372 | X |
Soymeal, Argentina, Rotterdam | USD 352/355 | X |
Soymeal, 47% pro, FOB Argentina | USD 327/330 | X |
Soymeal, 48% protein, Brazil, Rotterdam | USD 351/354 | X |
Soymeal, 48% protein, FOB Brazil | USD 325/328 | X |
Soybeans, FOB NOLA | USD 349/352 | X |
Soybeans, Argentina, FOB | USD 346/349 | X |
Soybeans, Brazil, FOB | USD 364/367 | X |
Soybeans, Black Sea | USD 393/396 | X |
Corn Gluten Meal, USA FOB NOLA | USD 510/550 m/t June/Sept | X |
Corn Gluten Feed, USA FOB NOLA | USD 196/199 m/t | X |
DDGS corn, 35 profat, USA FOB NOLA | USD 200/205 m/t | x |
DDGS export prices are down just a little this week, especially for future months. Perhaps the slightly lower prices will being export buyers to the DDGS market. Corn gluten meal export prices remain quite high for August/September but there does look to be some weakness in the interior US CGM business so there is a chance that we could see later months for CGM get back to a more normal price against nearby prices.
As usual corn gluten feed is just quietly following corn prices.
Here we are showing four months of export shipments in the table below and we can see that Egypt has still not gotten back to being a major importer of corn gluten meal – normally Egypt is the largest importer of CGM but certainly not this year. Rumor has it that importers are still trying to work down the massive stocks that they had from 2019 imports.
USA exports of corn by-products – 4 months to April 2020
– major destinations and selected countries – in m/t
Country | Distillers Dried Grains DDGS
| Corn Gluten Meal
| Corn Gluten Feed
Australia |
| 1,100 |
Bangladesh | 23,100 | 7,700 | 600 |
Burma | 16,300 | 500 |
Canada | 128,100 | 18,000 |
Chile |
| 57,100 |
China | 27,200 |
Colombia | 62,300 | 33,400 | 13,900 |
Costa Rica | 28,300 |
Ecuador |
| 1,100 |
Egypt | 25,200 | 6,900 |
El Salvador | 17,500 | 5,200 |
Guatemala | 24,200 | 1,900 |
Honduras |
| 2,300 |
Indonesia | 370,200 | 59,000 | 2,400 |
Ireland | 100,700 |
| 82,900 |
Israel | 69,700 |
| 50,700 |
Japan | 192,800 | 3,500 |
Malaysia | 18,400 | 19,700 |
Mexico | 652,300 | 4,400 | 3,500 |
Morocco | 55,300 |
| 22,600 |
New Zealand | 84,000 |
Peru |
| 2,900 |
Philippines | 85,500 | 600 |
Portugal |
South Korea | 478,200 |
Spain |
Sri Lanka |
| 1,500 |
Taiwan | 83,500 | 12,900 |
Thailand | 245,200 | 9,500 | 1,200 |
Turkey | 122,300 |
| 7,000 |
UK | 49,100 |
| 7,300 |
Vietnam | 400,200 | 6,200 | 1,000 |
@USDA GATS June 2020
Container shipments, minimum 200 m/t
Australian MBM 45% protein Australian MBM 50% protein Australian Feathermeal, 80% protein Australian Poultry Meal, pet food | USD 415/435 m/t CNF Asia USD 460/480 m/t CNF Asia USD 450/470 m/t CNF Asia USD 800/820 m/t CNF Asia |
USA Meat & Bone meal, 50% protein
USA Feathermeal, 80% protein USA Poultry by-product Meal, feed grade USA Poultry Meal, pet food grade | USD 490/520 m/t CNF Asia USD 400/420 to Indonesia USD 430/450 m/t CNF Asia USD 440/460 m/t CNF Asia USD 850/870 m/t CNF Asia |
Meat and bone meal prices into Asia were lower again this week due to increased supply from most exporting countries. According to the Jacobsen Report MBM prices to China are down by about USD 55 m/t in the past month and down by even more to Indonesia – USD 92.50 m/t down.
The trend for export prices for now seems to be to lower levels for meat and bone meal but looks steady for feathermeal and perhaps we will see poultry meal moving higher.
Domestic USA prices are weak too with increased supply but this trend to increased supply may be coming to an end and we may see prices at more steady price levels in coming weeks. So far, no one seems to be forecasting higher prices, except perhaps poultry meal.
USA exports of animal protein – 4 months to April 2020
– major destinations – in m/t
Destination | Meat and bone meal – includes poultry and pork meal
| Feather meal
Burma | 800 |
Cambodia |
Canada | 17,200 | 900 |
Chile | 2,300 | 9,600 |
China | 62,500 | 1,500 |
Colombia | 800 |
Dominican Rep |
Ecuador | 8,400 |
Guatemala | 2,000 |
Honduras | 2,900 | 200 |
Indonesia | 78,300 | 15,000 |
Malaysia | 4,600 |
Mexico | 61,300 |
Peru | 1,700 | 300 |
Philippines | 16,600 | 200 |
South Korea | 600 | 200 |
Sri Lanka | 200 |
Thailand | 11,900 |
Vietnam | 45,000 | 2,300 |
Total exports | 317.700 | 30,400 |
@USDA GATS June 2020
Fish landing in Peru is now up to just a shade over 1.0 million m/t – 227,000 m/t of fishmeal and 34,000 m/t of fishoil. The catch did drop off later in the week due to fishing bans and poor weather. A number of ports are closed due to bad weather in the north of Peru. There were some very good days early in the week with the catch up to 50,000 m/t.
There is now some fishmeal for sale, now that all the existing and rollover business has been covered. So, shortly we should start to see some buying interest – especially from China but there are some trade stories that European buyers are sniffing around a little.
Most of the trade is very happy with the way fishing has gone so far and trade reports are full of compliments to the fishing industry for all their hard work, made much more difficult by tough COVID-19 restrictions.
Nothing new to report on prices. We need to get some business done to determine current price levels.
Also with COVID-19, the 2020 IFFO Conference that was to be in Lima Peru in October has been delayed until October 2021.
European fishmeal prices – FOB North German port.
Type | Protein % | Price per m/t USD |
Herring fishmeal | 72% protein | 1,820 |
Danish fishmeal | 64% protein | 1,450 |
Peru fishmeal | 64% protein | 1,550 |
Chile fishmeal | 67% protein | 1,600 |
Iceland fishmeal | 70% protein | 1,890 |
Minimum shipment of 200 m/t for fishmeal
Specification | Price per m/t FOB vessel Peru port | Price per m/t Chile port |
65/66 protein | 1450/1470 m/t |
67% protein standard steam | 1500/1520 m/t |
67% protein 150 TVN | 1550/1570 m/t | 1530/1550 m/t |
67% protein 120 TVN | 1600/1620 m/t | 1570/1590 m/t |
67% protein 1000 hist, 120 TVN | 1650/1670 m/t | 1620/1640 m/t |
68% protein 500 hist, 120 TVN | 1700/1720 m/t | 1650/1680 m/t |
Fish oil, crude bulk | 2350/2400 |
Fish oil, crude drums | 2400/2450 |
Fish oil, flexi tank | 2500/2560 |
Fish oil, Omega 3: 28%EPA/DHA | 2600/2800 |
INFORMATION: gtee = guarantee, TVN = total volatile nitrogen, hist = histamine
The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Nothing contained herein should be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy. All references to prices are subject to change without notice. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those of, or expressed or published by or on behalf of, Hammersmith Marketing Ltd or its officers, directors, employees or affiliates
Copyright © 2020 Wayne S. Bacon
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